Thursday, 21 August 2014

TPTOTA ki Piopiotahi

On Easter weekend, Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa, Dr. Ihirangi Heke, Toi Tangata and kaiako from Te Kura o Kaikohe entered into Piopiotahi (Milford Sounds) to run the Routeburn Track.

The journey was not about the distance or 'conquering' the Tarahaka ranges and completing the track.  This experience was about retracing whakapapa connections to a place, recognising different behaviours and characteristics in the environment and testing our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical fitness.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Ihi, wehi me te wana!

Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa, Dr. Heke, Canaan and Hana share their interpretations of a challenging and difficult task.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Different terrains

Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa and Dr. Heke talk about the descendants of Makatītī and how they represent different terrains.

From clay, to gravel, to soft grass, all of these different terrains are represented by atua (elemental connections to our environment).  
You can interact with various terrains at steeper gradients and during the wet or cold to experience different characteristics of those atua. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Whangapipiro: time management

Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa, Dr. Ihirangi Heke and EOTC present Atuatanga.

Dr. Heke is at Whangapipiro, located at the Waipa end of the Redwoods Forest in Rotorua.  Today, he discusses how we can measure time for physical activity and for programmes according to the degradation of variables in the environment.  For example, the comparison between fresh green ponga leaves and dried brown ones can be used as a measurement for time. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

Tawhirimatea: aerobic training

Te Papa Takaro o Te Arawa and Dr. Ihirangi Heke are out in the ngahere (forest) of Waipa, just out of Rotorua with one of the physical manifestations of Tawhirimatea.

We breathe in Tawhirimatea without a second thought and we can only last without him for a few minutes.  For instance, we can last without kai (food) for weeks, without wai (water) for a few days and without hau (air) for a few minutes.  Yet, there isn't much focus on how Tawhiri can be improved to better health and well being.

Dr. Heke describes how at certain times we can see Tawhirimatea around us and how his characterisitics and personality change according to the altitude, how intense our exercise is and so on

Saturday, 9 August 2014


Te Papa Takaro o Te Arawa and Dr. Ihirangi Heke head out to te awa o Waikato and Waipa to talk about how our environments can give clues as to how or why we behave the way that we do.

The environment today is our awa (river), the realm of Parawhenuamea and Rangahua.  An understanding of how these two atua came to be, their characteristics and how they behave can provide us with an understanding about ourselves and also about different exercises we can perform to achieve greater health and well being.

If we become more aware of these connections to our environment, we will be able to identify the positive and negative behaviours we share and make positive changes for ourselves, our whanau and our community.